Saturday, February 16, 2008

A progressive abortion policy

Declaring an interest at the beginning, I was the mover of the motion, which I'm pleased to say was overwhelming passed, to back three important reforms to the existing law on abortion.

Green Party policy was already pretty solid, saying the party would not back any change in the law to reduce women's access to abortion, but it now also backs three changes to recognise medical developments and social changes: to remove the requirement to obtain two doctors' signatures, to allow nurses and midwives to perform abortions, and to loosen restrictions on where abortions can be performed.

The BBC reported the policy change.

1 comment:

Red Maria said...

"Green Party policy was already pretty solid, saying the party would not back any change in the law to reduce women's access to abortion..."

Sure and it neatly complements Green policy on population reduction too. Trebles all round!