Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thoughts turn to Conference

Green Party national Conference week is at last about to get underway... My email account is buzzing with people talking about motions, finalising admin details...
And my thoughts are turning to a couple of speeches I plan to make, to some of the fascinating sessions planned at Conference (including major Venezualan and Ogoni speakers, for example), to the Policy motions session that I will be chairing, and to my big fringe event on the Friday with man-in-the-white-suit (I wonder what he will be wearing?) Martin Bell...
Roll on Thursday, in Reading!
[Cllr. Rupert Read, Norwich; Green Party lead candidate for Eastern Region in 2009 Euro-elections]
Check out my articles in the GUARDIAN online:
Here are my posts on OPEN DEMOCRACY:
Goto to read my regular newspaper columns in the EASTERN DAILY PRESS newspaper, East Anglia's leading regional daily.
And lastly, check out my Euro-candidate's blog,