Monday, February 11, 2008

Martin Bell coming to GP Conference this Friday

I've been asked to say a bit more about my fringe with Martin Bell, on this Friday at noon.
This fringe is on integrity in public life.
I first met Martin Bell when he stood as an Independent in Eastern region at the
last euro-elections; I am standing for us at this euro-elections as lead
Basically, I am delighted that Martin Bell will be joining us at this event. 'The man in the white suit' has a well-deserved reputation for integrity -- the Green Party of course cares
deeply about honesty and integrity in public life, which is why we do
not use manipulated polling etc. statistics in our leaflets, and why we stand up strongly for
what we believe in, whether or not it is popular to do so. It will be
very interesting to hear what Mr. Bell, a native of my own East Anglia, has to
say about the way forward on these issues, at this year's
Conference. He will be drawing on his book, 'The truth that sticks' -- the link to my radio review of which, incidentally, is on my own blog,

; find it there under 'Other Links'.